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Do you have moulds in your home as a result of flooding

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Do you have moulds in your home as a result of flooding

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  • Do you have moulds in your home as a result of flooding
Do you have moulds in your home as a result of flooding
Do you have moulds in your home as a result of flooding

Flooding causes many small and big problems. But can moulds be one of them? Flooding can indeed result in moulds. This is because moulds thrive in the presence of moisture. But these moulds are not good for your health and your loved ones. If you are looking at sustainable ways of flood damage restoration in Geelong, read on.

Australians have experienced floods in the recent past and know how bad things can be. Flooding remediation is indeed possible but needs to be done correctly. While flooding cannot be fully prevented, a lot of preventive and corrective action can be taken to prevent the hazards of moulds.

Homeowners generally have between 24 and 48 hours after a flood to check the growth of moulds. But with the amount of water, it is usually difficult to dry up the entire place in such a little amount of time. Mould remediation is a big part of flood damage management and is completely possible.

So, what is the first thing you should do once you witness moulds as a result of flooding? Here are a few instant corrective measures you should follow.

1. Simple Clean Up: Use a combination of simple cloth, mop, and vacuum cleaner to dry up the water and clean away the dirt. You can also use a 10% bleach solution to clean hard surfaces. For effective flood damage restoration in Geelong, begin with general cleaning.

2. Chemical Cleaning: Chemical cleaning is an integral part of flood remediation. However, using the correct chemicals is necessary, and overuse of chemicals can sometimes be detrimental. Mixing bleach and ammonia can result in toxic vapours, so avoid doing that.

3. Using a Dehumidifier: Dehumidifiers also help manage flood damage. If you don’t already own a dehumidifier, you can rent one to reduce the moisture level in the room. If you require flood damage restoration for basements or bigger commercial areas in Geelong, contact Absolute Restoration today.

4. Detergent Cleaning: Detergent cleaning is yet another important method of flood damage mould remediation. A combination of clean water and detergent should be helpful in removing mould. However, many people forget to dry the water used for cleaning. Ensure immediate drying of the water and detergent combination to prevent mould growth.

5. Individually Picking Out Items: There are many small and big items that can absorb a lot of moisture. Their evaporation can result in more moisture in the coming days and individually removing them is the best way to ensure flood remediation. Pick out curtains, upholstered furniture and pillows and keep them in open spaces for drying.

If your property has a significant amount of water damage or mould growth, you will require professional help. Absolute Restoration helps in flood damage mould remediation by reducing water damage to residential and commercial spaces.

Get expert assistance by getting in touch with the most experienced and credible team for flood damage restoration in Geelong. Contact us today for a quick response and updated information about our services.