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It’s no secret that having good quality air in your home has an immeasurable effect on your physical and mental wellbeing. Clean Air helps reduce the risk of mould growth. Here are five valuable tips for improving the air quality in your home.
Sometimes it’s the simplest things that prove the most effective. Creating better Crossflow Ventilation goes a long way to improving Indoor Air Quality, it also helps to create an environment that is less susceptible to mould growth.
Take care of your AC.
Having an Air Conditioner installed in your home helps to circulate airflows throughout your home. Cleaning your AC filter will make your home a less attractive place for mould to grow.
Make your home green.
While introducing house plants to your home will certainly add to its aesthetic quality, having house plants in your home will improve air quality by producing more oxygen and, in some cases, removing toxins from the air.
That said, it’s not as simple as just having a single pot plant in your home. You will need many plants placed through the house. And some house plants are more effective than others at improving air quality, so be sure to ask your local nursery for advice.
Change your bed sheets.
Regularly change your bed sheets, as your bed can become the perfect place to harbour dust mites, that feed on the dead skin cells we shed. Dust mites thrive in stale moist air environments.
People who are allergic to dust mites, the effects are similar to hay fever, with sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing all common reactions. Dust mites can also irritate your eyes, throat, and skin. By changing your bed sheets regularly, you reduce the risk of dust mites growing in your home, which in turn will help improve the air quality.
Talk with the Clean Air Experts.
If you feel the air quality in your home is suspect and you can’t fix it on your own, it is time to arrange a home air quality inspection. At Absolute Restoration, we understand the relationship between poor indoor air quality and how it adverse impact on family health issues.
When inspecting the home we focus on establishing the cause of mould infestation and provide effective remediation solutions.
Give Absolute Restoration a call today and let’s improve your wellbeing!