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Mould in Washing Machine

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Mould in Washing Machine

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Mould in Washing Machine
Mould In Washing Machine Rubber Seal

The growth of mould in the washing machine seal can contaminate the entire unit. If you notice mould in the washing machine rubber seal and wondering how to get rid of it, we have listed a few simple techniques for you.

To start with, if you have a top loader washer, you can use hot soapy water to clean the door seal. Thoroughly wipe and clean underneath to ensure that every trace of mould is removed. You can also remove the detergent dispensers and give it a good scrub. Following this, you can go for an empty wash cycle and choose the longest option with the hottest water. Add either bleach, baking soda, detergent or a commercial cleaner for best results.

You can also make a mould removal solution with a combination of hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice or white vinegar. You can transfer the solution to a spray bottle and use it for cleaning the washing machine. If you come across sturdy spots, you can let the solution sit for a few minutes.

If you notice that the misty smell persists even after cleaning, there is the possibility of the presence of mould behind the washer drum. You can get in touch with a specialist to deal with the problem.

Removing mould is often a complex task and preventing the growth of mould by using the right detergent, leaving the washing door open after every wash, removing wet clothes immediately and making use of a dehumidifier can be of help. If you are looking for mould removal experts, feel free to get in touch with us at Absolute Restoration. Call us today.